At long last my December BJP piece is finished. I began beading on December 1st hoping to get a head start before the holiday madness set in. I always feel like a crazed lunatic by the time the last bits of holiday craftery are completed and the last package is mailed off to my loved ones. I seem to never have enough Christmas spirit to get me through December and I am always left feeling stressed and exhausted.

In an effort to counter balance the holiday craziness, I planned my escape into the bead world of the peaceful winter landscape.

One of my favorite things about living in Minnesota is the stark beauty of the winter landscape. The layers of sparkling snow and ice offset by the pale blue sky and highlighted by the cool grays of stone and bark. The land lies in wait under her quilt of snow, drowsy and introspective. She is resting from the seasons of growth.

On clear days, the sun warms and the snow melts. If you listen carefully you can hear the whisper of water weaving through the granite on it's way to mysterious destinations far below.

At night the water freezes and swells, working it's way into fissures in the stone. Pressure builds until the rock splinters and cracks, reminding us that the landscape is always changing.

Quiet and still, the land subtly shifts underneath her blanket of snow waiting patiently for the rebirth of spring.
Wow Pam, this is breathtaking! I love your description of the fissures forming, Kove your palette and the bead in the middle. So pretty how you took the picture on the snow! You are 1 talented lady! Congratulations.
This is absolutely a wonderful piece. Your description of your inspiration for the piece is perfect. Very beautifully beaded!
Love the whole concept of this one, Pam. I would kill for that cab. Awesome! You caught the whole feeling of winter with this one.
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!!! I love this! Did I say WOW!?
Your beading shows how beautiful winters can be. Spoken like a true Minnesotan, huh!
This is really stunning Pam! I love the whole piece. Wonderful!
Oh my, this is exquisite! Such a beautiful cab and your color choices and beading are awesome.
Kathy V in NM
oh this is beautiful! Your description of winter in Minnesota (could be Wisconsin too!) is lovely... incredible beadery!
Very, very beautiful piece!!! And I love how you took the photo!
This is beautiful! Love the beading - some great techniques! Your blog is fun!
Cheers, Denise
Wonderful! I feel feel the cold of winter and the warmth of your embroidery.
Oh, Pam! The final picture in this series and all that you wrote, like a poem, brought tears to my eyes. I grew up in MN and had forgotten about this sense of connectedness one can feel in the winter. Thank you so much! Robin A.
A beautiful page and a beautiful description.
Marty S
Crackpot Beader
It has always been my belief that the land and sky sing. You have only to still your mind and open your heart to hear them. You have done that admirably. After last night's incredible snow fall, I look out into my back yard and see, not dead things and unused things, but how it would be in beadwork. The beauty is then unmistakable! ( I think a little spray glitter would be required ). Carmelita
Just letting you know again how much I love this one, Pam!!!!!
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